Be open minded and be willing to take a loss or two from time to time. If there are any disagreements, please continue to be respectful to ANY parties involved.
Any use of racist, sexist, homophobic language including any other discriminatory or abusive language will NOT be tolerated or excused. Any use of this language will result in a ban or permanent removal from the community.
One storyline per person at a time, each story MUST have a beginning, middle, end and can last no longer than 2 months. Overall staff approval is not needed, unless it requires a specific ped from the game. Please send us a ticket. We expect you to meet the standards above to allow everyone a chance to thrive in their own story.
Traits are an optional choice for you to choose. Depending on what you want to go for will require staff approval (For example: If you want to have a character change into an animal, please send us a ticket.) Traits are limited to 2 characters per person. You cannot have the trait of god mode, demi god mode, or unlimited ammo. However if it is necessary for you to be killed in a way other than just bullets, we will discuss with you and If you choose to be an animal, know that your character will split between you and the animal. The more you transform, the more you take on aspects of said animal. Be mindful of the environment you choose to transform in. Each time you do it in high stress situations it takes a toll on your character.
Abusing any game mechanic, server mechanic, third party apps, or addons can/will result in an immediate ban. This includes: glitching, using macro controls (unless given approval by a dev for streamers), duping, god mode, etc. If you stumble upon ANY exploit, please report it to the Dev Team.
All players must adheer to valuing their characters life, you are not God!
Utilizing and Applying information In-Character that you have obtained from outside of character sources and alternate character sources.
Any ERP on TEFis not allowed. This includes any sexual or explicit content, themes, or discussions in any form of communication, whether it's online or offline. The rule is meant to create a safe and comfortable environment for everyone involved, and to ensure that all interactions are respectful and appropriate. Any violation of this rule may result in disciplinary action.
Please keep current politics and religious beliefs out of public discord chats. In character religion and politics is allowed but please remain respectful.
Use of Other Languages in IC may be used to enhance RP, however keep all written language IC to be english. All communication in Discord MUST be in English.
The act of randomly engaging/killing a player in a hostile manner without any interaction with that person is prohibited.
Character traits should NOT be an excuse for justifying excessive inappropriate or disrespectful behavior towards others in the community. (This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis)
Using third party communication such as Discord voice chats, etc, is not allowed while you are on the server. #Bulletin-Board is the exception.
Players must remain in character at all times unless in a consenting OOC chat. Should you require the need of OOC help, ask someone if you can drop your accent, and excuse yourselves to a private area.
Do not go OOC mid scenario - this is considered FailRP, if there is any rule-breaking problem during your scene, please make a ticket after it has concluded.
If a disagreement has been made between you and another player, try to roleplay out the scenario to the end before taking any moderation actions. If the situation calls for staff intervention, contact a mod using /command or the ticket system.
If you are experiencing a problem, try to role play your question to people in the server.
Players with more than one character must make sure the other character does not transfer the following between characters: Items, Knowledge, Wagons, Money. It is considered frowned upon if you do this.
Music played over mic must be copyright free and have a “Western” theme to it. It is encouraged to give your character musical talent, just use common sense when selecting said music.
All players must participate when engaged by another player.
/me is if you are talking, /do is if you are doing something
If found or attempting, You will be shipped off to Tahiti
Engaging in a weapon duel will mean a permanent death for whoever loses.
The act of putting a snake in someones boot!
$30ANY person riding a horse or driving a buggy going faster than a trot in town limits.
$25Leaving your dependents unattended knowingly. Getting lost is normal.
$15Entering knowingly or unknowingly on private property without consent of the owner's permission. This excludes campgrounds. Climbing town roofs is prohibited.
$20Behaving in a manner that is disruptive towards public order either by language or physical acts.
$40Intentionally injuring someone without the use of a weapon.
$50Providing Law with incorrect information intentionally will be seen as hindering investigation and punishable by law.
$40ANY of the following items: Mushrooms, Peyote, Cocaine, Opium, Cannabis, Moonshine Raw or Processed.
$45The act of trying to steal items from a General Store, Bank, Train, and/or Persons.
$100The act of attempting to persuade in one's favor by gifts or money to any Government or State Employee.
$80With good or bad intention, the act of trying to enforce the law without legal authority.
$100The act of harming, harassing, shooting with or without malicious intent on a domesticated animal.
$80Possession of 10 or more illicit items collectively. This includes: Mushrooms, Peyote, Cocaine, Opium, Cannabis, Moonshine, Corn Mash processed or Raw.
$100Killing a person with or without intent of maliciousness.
6 MONTHSEntering a building with the use of force without authorization, this can be stacked with trespassing depending on the crime severity.
6 MONTHSDrawing or holding a weapon with or with intent to use.
$60Having a long arm strapped to your back within town limits, this does not include bows.
$40Discharging your firearm within Town Limits with or without the intent to harm others.
$80Soiling a grave with malicious intent, this includes robbery.
$85Possession of items that include: Lockpicks, moonshine-stills, badges, handcuffs, bundles of TNT, Etc.
$160Failing to forcefully restrain someone against their will.
6 MONTHSThe act of or by means of threat, force, obstruct, or impedes, or tries to influence the due administration of justice.
$150Fleeing from the law department while they are attempting to lawfully detain you.
$100The act of taking horses, wagons, and carts etc. without the consent of the owner.
6 MONTHSSetting fire to property unowned by the assailant.
1 YEARStealing or Causing harm to someone's cattle or farm animals.
6 MONTHSAttempting with the intention to cause the death of an individual.
6 MONTHSThe act of removal of gold, cash, and valuables from a general store within.
$150The act of removal of personal belongings of a civilian, this includes locals.
6 MONTHSTaking a citizen against their will.
6 MONTHSAttacking a train while in transit to its destination, any robbery of civilians will add a stacked charge.
$250Attacking the bank with the intention to steal valuables from the safes.
1 YEARIntentionally causing the death of a person through or indirect means.
2 YEARSThreatening Violence and intimidation, while in the pursuit of political or social objectives. The murder or attempted murder of 5 or more people within an IRL 24 hour period. Use of explosives in Town Limits, Use of Fire Bottles within Town Limits.
2 YEARSGetting caught during or after an escape from Siskia.
2 YEARSSelling confiscated items, Giving information to Criminals on Law Activities or Records, Assisting in criminal activities in any way, Possessing Illegal Items over the legal amount, Tampering or Falsifying with Law Records.
3 YEARSKidnapping or Assault of ANY Government Official, State Employee, Witnesses, and any Juror or Attorney in an active case.
1 YEARSMurder of a State Employee, Murder of ANY Government Official, Murder of a Witness or Juror
7 YEARSSimply join the discord and verify in the #verify-here channel, Once you have the townsfolk role you are ready to go!
Press function8 on your keyboard (F8) once the logmenu opens proceed to type the word "quit" and smash the enter button! Your connection will be severed with RedM.
Every six hours from 00:00 CST
Simply direct your attention to the #server-log channel in the discord, all changes and new features will be logged for everyone to see.
Everyone has a different story and a different way of life, moral codes etc. We strive to keep everything IC on how to navigate the server, On joining you will find a "welcome guide" item in your inventory to help you and your character explore the world of Elysian Frontier!
This here be a RedM server, you will be needing this partner!
If you ain't already, go on and join our discord! You will need this to apply for whitelisting and also keep updated with all the wonders that be goin' on!
Well it ain't required, but we highly recommend Medal or any form of recording. It's extremely helpful when making player reports.
Incase you been pondering, yes you will require to have Red Dead Redemption 2 in order to play RedM! This here is where you can purchase red dead redemption 2!